Sexual Knowledge is Always Contextual

Mere intellectual knowledge that is not rooted in our affective life is devoid of meaning as it cannot be integrated in the whole of the personality. This is so much the more important when we are talking about children between ages two and six. For the small child, all knowledge is mediated by the body, for reaching the mind, and not the other way around. 

You can compare the acquisition of knowledge with building a house. When we build a house, we have to begin with the foundation, the root, the base layer. The earth and base layer of the human is our feet, and not our head. That’s where we touch Mother Earth. And the first chakra is the lowest, the closed to the earth, and it’s through the first chakra that we absorb and assimilate the earth’s energies. And the second chakra, just below our navel, is the sexual chakra. Our sexuality links us back to the earth, it’s the true religio, the link back to our roots, our physical and spiritual foundation. 

So, that means actually that sexuality is sacred because it’s directly related to where we are coming from, to the Divine in us. It is through knowledge about the body and its pleasure function that the child begins to construe the foundation of his or her life; this is not a knowledge that can be given at school, it’s to be given by the home, the parents, and siblings, and the child’s own body as a wistful teacher. Sexual knowledge is by no means intellectual knowledge and the moment it is intellectualized, it is distorted. 

Research on kindergarten and primary school children in the San Diego Bay Area in the United States has shown that the established system of sex education renders children emotionally confused, if not bewildered, because it’s not a knowledge they can integrate if they lack direct sensual experience. 

It’s actually total madness when you think about it; one must be insane to think of the idea to teach children ‘sex’ while at the same time doing all to deprive them from experiencing it. Only a deeply schizoid society can get such nonsensical ideas! 

—See, for example, Floyd A. Martinson, The Sex Education of Young Children, in: Lorna Brown (Ed.), Sex Education in the Eighties, (1981), pp. 51 ff.

All sexual knowledge is knowledge about life. As such, it is too vast to fit in a residual concept called ‘procreation;’ it is a holistic and systemic knowledge about the networked and hologram-like interconnectedness of all living systems. 

This knowledge can only be acquired gradually by direct observation of nature, on one hand, and by living naturally, and sexually, on the other. 

Sexual knowledge is knowledge that must be balanced by the whole of the body-mind-emotions entity, if it is to be useful.

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